Cure Baby Atopic Dermatitis Eczema

Top 5 Home Remedies for Baby Eczema

Unfortunately, there is no definite cure for eczema. This chronic disease has a remittance and relapsing cycle. But the symptoms can be treated with traditional medicines and home remedies for baby eczema to make them moderate or less severe.

Because inflammation and dryness are precursors to eczema, these conditions must be treated. Both cause flares of red rashes and itchiness. Below are a few home remedies for baby eczema that aim to prevent flare-ups and keep the skin hydrated:



1. Use oil moisturizers. Atopic baby skin suffers from a damaged skin barrier that allows skin moisture to escape. After bath, lock in the moisture by applying hypoallergenic baby moisturizing oil or lotion. Virgin and organic oils such as from olive and coconut can work wonders. Olive oils have linoleic acid, which is also found in our skin, though it is not naturally produced but derived from foods. Linoleic acid creates water barriers preventing skin from losing its moisture. If oils are not present, petroleum jelly is a good alternative in moisturizing dry and irritated skin.

2. Oatmeal bath. An oatmeal bath can be very soothing to baby’s skin and is one of the most popular home remedies for baby eczema. You can give an oatmeal bath by adding oatmeal powder packed in an old stocking, and put it under the running water in filling baby’s tub. This will turn the water in the tub slippery and milky. So take caution in putting the baby into the tub. For babies 6 months old and under, avoid using soaps. If the baby is too big to have baby baths, use the oatmeal water to rinse the baby after the wash. The oatmeal powder can be prepared by adding two cups of oats into a coffee grinder or food processor.

3. Honey. Applying honey onto baby’s irritated skin can also reduce inflammation and redness. But you have to look out for ants as they are attracted to anything sweet. Natural and pure honey such as Manuka honey contains healing properties from its anti-bacteria and anti-viral compounds. For babies big enough to take liquids, a teaspoon of honey can be mixed with one glass of lukewarm water, with a squeeze of a lime. Let the baby drink it in the morning until the symptoms lessen. Also you should look into the diet of your baby as it is known that some foods are related to the condition. Here you can find a lot of information about baby meal plans and great recipes.

Home remedies for baby eczema should be part of the ongoing management of this more and more common skin condition.

Have you ever tried any home remedies for baby eczema? What was your experience?