Cure Baby Atopic Dermatitis Eczema

7 Eczema home treatment measures

Atopic dermatitis eczema is a health condition in which the skin becomes porous, dry and inflamed when exposed to certain irritants and allergens. This may include: exposure to cold, humid climates, contact with certain materials like wool and rubbers, detergent residues, dust mites, certain allergenic foods etc.

A combined eczema home treatment is required merging conventional dermatological treatments, psychological and lifestyle changes seeking to eliminate the recurrence of flare ups and the self-damaging behavior of scratching that aggravates atopic dermatitis.

According to studies, 25% of the world population suffers from atopy – the constitutional state associated with a vulnerability to develop astma, hay fever and atopic dermatitis eczema at various stages in life. The main lifestyle changes required to keep these conditions under control, aim to identify and eliminate the common exacerbating factors:

1. Dust mites
The western modern living is associated with high concentration of allergens trapped in the modern dwelling: the fecal pellets of the house dust mite and the mite itself, which feeds on shed human skin. The following measures are effective in limiting the exposure to dust mites:

2. Pet dander
Limit baby’s exposure to pets in general and try to avoid having an in-house furry pet, as epidermal cells (dander) shed from domesticated animals ie cats and dogs is difficult to remove even if you clean regularly.

3. Food allergies
Studies suggest that atopic dermatitis and food allergies play a role in the development and exacerbation of each other. Eczema home treatment should aim to eliminate the most common food allergens from baby’s diet and see if you notice an improvement in eczema’s condition: dairy, wheat, peanuts etc.

4. Detergent residues on clothes
Residual laundry detergent in clothing may be irritating, so using a luquid rather than powder detergent and adding a second rinse cycle to facilitate removal of detergent might be helpful. New clothing should be laundered prior to wearing to remove formaldehyde and other chemichals. Make sure you use a hypoallergenic organic baby detergent to wash baby’s clothes and bedding and do not use any bleaching products or fabric softeners.

5. Chemicals found in cosmetics and soaps; water hardness
Normal appearing skin in patients with atopic dermatitis eczema is in fact abnormal, suffering a diffusional water loss 7 days after being exposed to a topical irritant. Neutral PH cleansers, rather than soaps should be used sparingly. Alcohol and astringents found in skin care products may be drying and exposure to water should be minimized.

6.Loss of skin hydration
Atopic dermatitis eczema is possible through a skin barrier defect that permits epidermal water loss and the penetration of irritants and allergens that trigger pruritus. The mechanical trauma of scratching further exacerbates atopic skin inflammation. Eczema home treatment aims to prevent the onset of first symptoms, by thoroughly hydrating skin with specially formulated cream lotions.

7. MICROAIR DermaSilk

This breathable and slightly elastic knitted silk fabric is effective for acute atopic dermatitis lesions, as it is treated with a water resistant anti-microbial finish that inhibits bacteria survival